
Masterclass & Networking Program “Green Project Financing in Solar and Hydro Power”

In alignment with PLN’s electricity business development plan (RUPTL) 2021-2030, targeting a 51.6% share of the national energy mix from new and renewable sources, hydro and solar power play a substantial role in achieving the added capacity of 20.9 GW.

The ability to assess key risks at each stage of project development and effectively mitigate them is crucial for making well-informed investment decisions in these sectors.

Our dedication to cultivating knowledge and expertise in sustainable energy is exemplified through the Masterclass and Networking Program titled “Green Project Financing in Solar and Hydro Power.”

We extend our sincere gratitude to the enthusiastic participants, as well as the invaluable contribution of ECADIN experts and partners to the program, which took place on 13-14 November 2023 at Pullman Thamrin Hotel, Jakarta.

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