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ECADIN and IA-ITB NL together with the Indonesian Embassy for the Netherlands are presented a technology forum. This 5th edition is about “Towards Hydrogen Economy: Lessons from the Netherlands”, learning how the journey behind the national hydrogen backbone in the Netherlands, making the country being one of largest hydrogen producers in the world with a significant boost for the industrial hydrogen ecosystem. The workshop was presented by Dutch Emission Authority and Uniper Energy.
ECADIN and PLN together with the Indonesian Embassy for Belgium held workshops and field trips aimed at gaining insight into best practices, challenges, and opportunities from utility companies in implementing carbon trading. This program in partnership with DG Climate Action.
ECADIN initiate and lead partnerships among PLN and business entities in Europe to accelerate green transformations. This program is supported with the Indonesian Embassy for France.
ECADIN and PLN together with the Indonesian Embassy for Germany held workshops and field trips aimed at gaining insight into best practices, challenges, and opportunities from utility companies in implementing carbon trading. It was delivered by Ecologic Institute, DEHSt, FutureCamp, RWE Supply & Trading and RWE AG.
Bringing multi-stakeholders and the Indonesian Embassy for the Netherlands to visit Engie, Eemshaven, Netherlands, to see the planning of the underway hydrogen project and the existing operation of a combined cycle power plant with a capacity of 1.8 GW which is one of the cleanest gas power plants in Europe
ECADIN with multi-stakeholders learn the journey behind ‘national hydrogen backbone’ success in the Netherlands. By visiting the Energy Conversion Laboratory, we learn the fundamentals and conversion of hydrogen as a green energy carrier towards a comprehensive knowledge hub involving technical and social synergies. This program is supported by the Indonesian Embassy in the Netherlands.
The symposium was held in May 4 2019 at X building TU Delft, the Netherlands, and organized by by ECADIN in collaboration with Overseas Indonesian Student Association (Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia se-Dunia). The detail can be found here.
As Indonesian delegates for the UN-Water Summit on Groundwater in Paris, France also promoted the 10th World Water Forum 2024, which Indonesia was chosen to host and will be held in Bali.
ECADIN and Ministry of Public Work and Housing deliver a sharing program in research, innovation, and study abroad for sustainable water presented by Gaetano Casale (Manager Liaison of IHE Delft), Indonesian researchers at TU Delft and IHE Delft, and an opening remark with Desti Alkano (Founder of ECADIN) and supported with the Indonesian Embassy for the Netherlands presented by H.E. Mayerfas (Indonesian Ambassador in the Netherlands).
ECADIN and Ministry of Public Work and Housing delegates visit the Maeslantkering flood control infrastructure in Rotterdam, where we learn about the technology, environmental issues, and social impacts of the working mechanism of Maeslantkering.
ECADIN and multi-stakeholders visit Groningen Seaports, which is one of the largest energy ports in Europe, to learn about hydrogen as the future source for sustainable energy transitions. It showcased that realization of green hydrogen from renewables and its integration within energy, chemical and transport industries are very possible.
We help our clients to open up global cooperation opportunities in the development of green hydrogen in Indonesia. This executive meeting led by Mr. Hartanto Wibowo, Director of Corporate Planning and Business Development of PT PLN (Persero). It was joined by the French hydrogen association France Hydrogene (including 467 hydrogen companies) and MEDEF International (with 750,000 business operators member in France).
ECADIN public discussion on “Human Capital & Innovation” held on July 8 2018 in Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, with Rihard Pasaribu (General Manager P&T technology Safety & Environment, Shell), Yanti Kusumanto (Owner TYK Research & Action Consulting the Netherlands and Founding Member of Global University for Sustainability) and Hasanul A. Hasibuan (Senior Wireless Solution Manager, Huawei Netherlands)
“>ECADIN x Mata Garuda LPDP public discussion on “Energy Startups, Generated by Millenials” held on December 21 2019 at LPDP office Jakarta, Indonesia, with Inayah Zahra (CEO and Co-founder Lentera Bumi Nusantara), Irvan Hermala (Co-founder Berbagi Listrik) and I Made Aditya Suryawidya (Program Manager Indonesia New Energy Nexus – RE Startup Accelerator).
ECADIN sharing program to discuss some points in developing Indonesia’s carbon trading with Almy R.K. Putri (ECADIN Assoc. Researcher), Hadi Prasojo (ECADIN Assoc. Researcher) and Meily Priliani (Climate Change Specialist PT PLN (Persero)). Rida Mulyana (Direktur Jenderal Ketenagalistrikan, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral and Desti Alkano (CEO ECADIN) delivers keynote message for this sharing program.
PLN’s Talent Development Division (Persero) initiated Webinar Series: IGNITION, a platform for young PLN Group professionals to collaborate, share opinions, and inspire.
The strength of PLN IGNITION is the collaboration of four Young Generation Communities in PLN Group, namely PLN Learning Task Force, KOL PLN Group (Key Opinion Leader), PETIR (Pencerah Ketenagalistrikan), and Innovation Lab (a flagship product of FLD’ 68).
In addition, PLN IGNITION collaborates with ECADIN (Energy Academy Indonesia) to become a strategic partner in developing PLN IGNITION networking on national and global levels.
Ecadin Sharing Program “ESG Touchpoints: A Framework for Supercharging Global Business Values & Impacts in Sustainability” held on December 16, 2022 with Atalia Praratya (Head of the West Java Family Welfare Movement), Alexandra Askandar (Director PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk) & Chairman of FHCI), Clara Carelli (Sustainability Director Beaulieu International Group), Jeferson Mangempis (Vice President of Environment, Social & Governance PT Pertamina (Persero)) and Candra Sutama (Senior Partner ECADIN).
Sharing program delivered a keynote speech by Iken Retnowulan (Director of Access for Industrial Resources and International Promotion of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic Indonesia) and Desti Alkano (CEO ECADIN).
ECADIN with Dinas Lingkungan Hidup DKI Jakarta opens up the opportunity for public to learn directly on waste management and utilization projects at Bantar Gebang Waste-to-Energy Plant.
Together with the winners of Young Water Sustainability Leaders 2022, we had an opportunity for in-depth discussion with Der Wasserverband Eifel-Rur (WVER) as a water authority for water supply in the Netherlands. We learn about wastewater treatment and flood control carried out by WVER and a roundtrip at the Aachen-Stolberg wastewater treatment plant.
A public discussion on “Young Professionalism for Climate Resilience: Enhancing Professional Capabilities of the Young for Climate Resilience”, held at the 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Katowice, Poland.
ECADIN and TYK research & action consulting the Netherland then initiated “Young-led Climate Partnership” aimed to add values to the global climate movement by developing knowledge of the young and strengthening North-South relations
Ecadin Sharing Program “Women in Energy Research & Business” held on April 1 2018 in Paris, France, with Candra Sri Sutama (Schlumberger Engineering Center, France), Grace Perangin Angin ( TU Delft Master Program and Chief Lentera Bumi Nusantara), Astu Sam Pratiwi (ES Geothermie Electricite de Strasbourg, France) and Desti Alkano (Founder Ecadin)
ECADIN public discussion On November 22 2019, ECADIN visited De Hoge Raven School in Utrecht, the Netherlands, along with Dr. Thomas Hoppe from Delft University of Technology, Director of Technotrend, representatives of Indonesia’s state power company (PLN), Embassy of Republic of Indonesia in Den Hague the Netherlands, Sekolah Indonesia Den Haag, and TYK research & action consulting the Netherlands. It is one of 8 schools in the Netherlands participating in the programme “Schools as Energy Embassies in the Neighbourhood”, supported by RVO (the Netherlands Enterprise Agency).
Pupils learn and explore the wonderful world of energy, technology and sustainability, motivating them to push their limits. They invent campaigns, discover efforts to help end plastic waste, take action to save energy in school, and involve as many people as they can in their neighbourhood.