
  • Full Time
  • 📌 Remote
  • Singapore

Website TÜV SÜD

About the job


As a sustainable building lifecycle specialist, you will play a crucial role in evaluating and certifying the sustainability and environmental performance of buildings and construction projects. You will work closely with architects, engineers, builders, and other stakeholders to ensure that projects meet the required green building standards and certifications. Additionally, you will be actively in-volved in the development of digital twin frameworks for buildings and take part in other building lifecycle services. Your responsibilities will include assessing project designs, construction pro-cesses, and overall sustainability to promote environmentally friendly and energy-efficient practices.

Project Assessment: Evaluate building designs and construction plans to determine compliance with green building standards and criteria, including but not limited to Green Mark

On-site Inspections: Conduct site visits to assess the construction process, monitor environ-mental practices, and ensure adherence to Green Mark

Documentation Review: Review and verify project documentation, including but not limited to energy usage data, materials specifications, and sustainability reports.

Environmental Impact Analysis: Assess the environmental impact of building construction and make recommendations for mitigation and improvement.

Client Communication: Communicate with project stakeholders, including consultant, contrac-tors, and developers, to provide guidance on sustainability practices and address any non-com-pliance issues.

Research and Stay Updated: Stay current with the latest industry trends, sustainable building practices, and green building certification requirements.

Reporting: Prepare detailed assessment reports and maintain accurate records of all evalua-tions, recommendations, and certifications.

Training and Education: Provide training and guidance to project teams and clients on sustaina-ble building practices and strategies to achieve green certifications


Bachelor’s degree in a related field, such as environmental, engineering, or sustainability.

Strong knowledge of Energy Modelling / Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD), or AC system or mechanically engineering trained

Current Registered Architect/ Professional Engineer/ SCEM certified is an advantage

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to work with diverse project teams and clients.

Attention to detail, analytical skills, and the ability to provide practical and sustainable rec-ommendations

Familiarity with Green Mark regulation, and best practices.

Strong organizational and time management skills.


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