Knowledge Partner
Indonesia International Sustainability Forum (ISF) 2024
5-6 September 2024
Zoom & Youtube Kemenkomarves
The world faces unprecedented risks and the threat of irreversible damages due to soaring levels of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As a nation, Indonesia has the potential to champion the global climate efforts. With huge renewable potential exceeding 440 GW and substantial reserves of critical mineral for decarbonization including nickel, tin, and copper the country is positioned to foster the development of sustainable industries. Indonesia also has a diverse ecosystems storing up to 1 Gt CO2, which provides a pivotal role in the global carbon sequestration.
Against this background, the Indonesia Sustainability Forum (ISF) was established as a platform to foster collaborations and best practice sharing across stakeholders in decarbonization actions, ultimately advancing the global concerted effort in pursuing a sustainable growth.
ISF 2023 has emerged as a notable success, drawing a substantial turnout of over 2,500 participants from more than 40 countries. The forum, spanning two days as part of pre-event to the ASEAN Summit 2023, featured 24 plenary and thematic sessions, supported by 12 domestic and international sponsors and 13 knowledge partners. This impactful event resulted in the signing of 8 Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) and marked the inauguration of Indonesia’s inaugural State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) Sustainability Academy. Among the distinguished attendees were over 10 heads of states, ministers, and leaders of international institutions, including the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, the Managing Director of the IMF, and the President of the World Bank.
Following from ISF 2023 and the UN 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs), the ISF 2024 shall continue to deepen conversations around five key levers and the key financial and non-financial drivers needed to achieve sustainable growth.
Only 27 applicants will be selected to present
5-6 September 2024
(24-hour livestream)
Zoom & Youtube Kemenkomarves
The 27 outstanding individuals selected for ISF 2024 will have the opportunity to present their impactful research and contribute to shaping a sustainable future for Indonesia.
No | Name(s) | University / College | Title of Research |
1 | Iga Bagus Jaya Wardhana | University of Melbourne | Mobilizing Youth Expertise: A Crowdsourcing Model for Accelerating Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia |
2 | M. Syahman Samhan | University of New South Wales | Net Electricity Load Forecasting in Households with D-PV: A systemic review |
3 | David Firnando Silalahi | Australian National University | 100% renewable energy integration in Indonesia |
4 | Dinda Mazeda | National University of Singapore | Ecological Engineering Solution for Resilient Coastal Cities: Evaluating Construction Materials for Eco-Engineered Seawall |
5 | Muhammad Abrar Aulia | TU Delft | Dynamic analysis of offshore floating solar panel structures for a green hydrogen production |
6 | Sidi Rana Menggala | Ghent University | Ecoregion Development in Indonesia |
7 | Sasha Yogiswara | KU Leuven | Engineering bioethanol yeasts for sustainable plasticizer production |
8 | Silvany Dewita | University of Glasgow | Determinant of Waste Recycling Through Waste Bank in Indonesia |
9 | Mansur Arief | Stanford University | Developing AI for Safe and Efficient Geothermal and Mineral Exploration |
10 | Maria Hardina Wea | University of Adelaide | Real time control storage in constructed wetland for sustainability agricultural wetland farming in Indonesia |
11 | Rachman Setiawan | University of California Berkeley | The Implementation of Time of Use for electricity customers from the residential to industrial sectors in Indonesia |
12 | Ghea Moeis | Columbia University | A Cost-Benefit Analysis on Electrifying Indonesia - Implementation of Induction Stoves in Nusantara, Indonesia |
13 | Benedicto Anggita Prayoga Saragih | Columbia University | Enhancing CCUS Development in Indonesia: Policy Insights from the US IRA |
14 | Ria Verensia | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Enhancing Coastal Resilience: Applying Decision Support Framework for Nature-Based Solutions |
15 | Hansen Tjo | Princeton University | Harnessing Extremely Thermophilic Bacteria to Solve the World’s Energy and Environmental Problems |
16 | Tubagus Aryandi Gunawan | Princeton University | Towards Net-Zero Indonesia: Clean Nickel Production |
17 | Adhika Retnanto | University of Texas at Austin | Process Modeling and Sensitivity Studies for Integrated Carbon Capture and Conversion with Ionic Liquids |
18 | Rifka Fachrunnisa | University of Sydney | Building Foundations for Decolonizing Sustainability Curriculum in Indonesia: Reviving the Coupled System of Land and Sea Perspective |
19 | Lifiani Langenati | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Utilizing Waste to Energy Plant Systems to Advanced Circular Economy in Bekasi, Indonesia |
20 | Alfath Alima Hakim | University of Indonesia | Harnessing Low-Carbon Hydrogen: National Strategies and Entrepreneurial Opportunies for Equal Energy Access and Lower Environmental Impact |
21 | Maya Lynn | University of Gadjah Mada | Policy Recommendations for Energy Transition in the Draft Law on New and Renewable Energy and the National Energy Policy |
22 | Riska Aprilia Kuswati | Monash University | Application of AI and Remote Sensing for Assessing the Impact of Energy Transition on Biodiversity in Indonesia |
23 | Isaac Cornelius | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Assessing Feasibility of Renewable Energy Integration in ASN 4 Residential Complex at IKN: A Green Building Perspective |
24 | Cintya Djayaputra | King's College London | Biochar Subsidies: A Policy Proposal for Accelerating Carbon Removal in Indonesia |
25 | Pricilia Vibrani | University College London | Cost-Benefit Analysis and Proposal Implementing Four Sustainable Development Goals: Case of Sinking Jakarta |
26 | Whildan Pakartipangi | University College London | Challenges and Opportunities of Green Data Centres in Indonesia |
27 | Munawir Bintang Pratama | University of Edinburgh | Tidal Current Energy in Indonesian Waters: List of Potential Sites, Sunda Strait Case Study, and a Synthesize for General Characterization |
Novita Rudiany, M.Sc.
ECADIN Researcher & International Relations Lecturer at Pertamina University
Herdhi Hermawan, M.T.
Analyst of Renewable Energy Business Services at Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia
Dr. Fean Davisunjaya Sarian
ECADIN Partner
Rahayu Lestari, M.T.
Lecturer at IPB University
Feliana Citradewi, LLB., MPA
ECADIN Partner & CEO of LiVert Inc.
Muchammad Arya Zamal, M.Sc.
PhD Researcher at TU Eindhoven & Lecturer at Bandung Institute of Technology
Natasya Palasa
MPA Graduate from Columbia University & Chief Operating Officer at DANAYA Indonesia
Sabrina Farah Salsabila, M.Sc.
CEO at ReservoAir
Joseph Effendy
ALM Candidate at Harvard University & Research and Development Advisor at Multi Power Aditama
Time in GMT+7
08:00 – 08:05
Opening Remark
Desti Alkano
CEO Energy Academy Indonesia
08:05 – 08:10
Keynote Speech
Rachmat Khaimuddin
Deputy Minister for Infrastructure and Transportation Coordination, Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia
08:10 – 09:10
Mobilizing Youth Expertise: A Crowdsourcing Model for Accelerating Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia
Iga Bagus Jaya Wardhana
University of Melbourne
09:10 – 10:10
Net Electricity Load Forecasting in Households with D-PV: A systemic review
M. Syahman Samhan
University of New South Wales
10:10 – 11:10
100% renewable energy integration in Indonesia
David Firnando Silalahi
Australian National University
11:10 – 12:10
Ecological Engineering Solution for Resilient Coastal Cities: Evaluating Construction Materials for Eco-Engineered Seawall
Dinda Mazeda
National University of Singapore
12.10 – 13.00
Lunch Break
13:00 – 14:00
Dynamic analysis of offshore floating solar panel structures for a green hydrogen production
Muhammad Abrar Aulia
TU Delft
14:00 – 15:00
Ecoregion Development in Indonesia
Sidi Rana Menggala
Ghent University
15:00 – 16:00
Engineering bioethanol yeasts for sustainable plasticizer production
Sasha Yogiswara
KU Leuven
16:00 – 17:00
Determinant of Waste Recycling Through Waste Bank in Indonesia
Silvany Dewita
University of Glasgow
17:00 – 18:00
Developing AI for Safe and Efficient Geothermal and Mineral Exploration
Mansur Arief
Stanford University
18:00 – 19:00
Dinner Break
19:00 – 20:00
Real time control storage in constructed wetland for sustainability agricultural wetland farming in Indonesia
Maria Hardina Wea
University of Adelaide
20:00 – 21:00
The Implementation of Time of Use for electricity customers from the residential to industrial sectors in Indonesia
Rachman Setiawan
University of California Berkeley
21:00 – 22:00
A Cost-Benefit Analysis on Electrifying Indonesia – Implementation of Induction Stoves in Nusantara, Indonesia
Ghea Moeis
Columbia University
22:00 – 23:00
Enhancing CCUS Development in Indonesia: Policy Insights from the US IRA
Benedicto Anggita Prayoga Saragih
Columbia University
00:00 – 01:00
Challenges and Opportunities of Green Data Centres in Indonesia
Whildan Pakartipangi
University College London
01:00 – 02:00
Harnessing Extremely Thermophilic Bacteria to Solve the World’s Energy and Environmental Problems
Hansen Tjo
Princeton University
02:00 – 03:00
Towards Net-Zero Indonesia: Clean Nickel Production
Tubagus Aryandi Gunawan
Princeton University
03:00 – 04:00
Process Modeling and Sensitivity Studies for Integrated Carbon Capture and Conversion with Ionic Liquids
Adhika Retnanto
University of Texas at Austin
04:00 – 05:00
Building Foundations for Decolonizing Sustainability Curriculum in Indonesia: Reviving the Coupled System of Land and Sea Perspective
Rifka Fachrunnisa
University of Sydney
05:00 – 06:00
Utilizing Waste to Energy Plant Systems to Advanced Circular Economy in Bekasi, Indonesia
Lifiani Langenati
Institut Teknologi Bandung
06:00 – 07:00
Harnessing Low-Carbon Hydrogen: National Strategies and Entrepreneurial Opportunies for Equal Energy Access and Lower Environmental Impact
Alfath Alima Hakim
University of Indonesia
07:00 – 08:00
Policy Recommendations for Energy Transition in the Draft Law on New and Renewable Energy and the National Energy Policy
Maya Lynn
University of Gadjah Mada
08:00 – 09:00
Breakfast Break
09:00 – 10:00
Application of AI and Remote Sensing for Assessing the Impact of Energy Transition on Biodiversity in Indonesia
Riska Aprilia Kuswati
Monash University
10:00 – 11:00
Assessing Feasibility of Renewable Energy Integration in ASN 4 Residential Complex at IKN: A Green Building Perspective
Isaac Cornelius
Institut Teknologi Bandung
11:00 – 14:00
Sholat break + Lunch Break
14:00 – 15:00
Biochar Subsidies: A Policy Proposal for Accelerating Carbon Removal in Indonesia
Cintya Djayaputra
King’s College London
15:00 – 16:00
Cost-Benefit Analysis and Proposal Implementing Four Sustainable Development Goals: Case of Sinking Jakarta
Pricilia Vibrani
University College London
16:00 – 17:00
Enhancing Coastal Resilience: Applying Decision Support Framework for Nature-Based Solutions
Ria Verensia
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
17:00 – 18:00
Tidal Current Energy in Indonesian Waters: List of Potential Sites, Sunda Strait Case Study, and a Synthesize for General Characterization
Munawir Bintang Pratama
University of Edinburgh