
INPF | Global hydrogen market has started to emerge around the world

  • Hydrogen Energy
  • INPF | Global hydrogen market has started to emerge around the world

Indonesia targets to utilize hydrogen with a capacity of 328 MW and 9 GW in 2035 and 2060, respectively. However, the hydrogen ecosystem has not yet established in Indonesia.

In contrast, for the Netherlands, hydrogen has become crucial and is a key to keep its future economy sustainably moving forward and fight climate change at the same time.

How is the journey behind the ‘national hydrogen backbone’ success in the Netherlands, making them being the second largest hydrogen producer in the world with a significant boost for the industrial hydrogen ecosystem? What are the regulatory provisions?

Bandung Institute of Technology Alumni Network – Netherlands Chapter (IA-ITB Netherlands), and the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in The Hague (KBRI Den Haag), in collaboration with Energy Academy Indonesia (ECADIN) invite you to join the Indonesia – the Netherlands Technology Partnership Forum (INTPF) 2022 entitled Towards Hydrogen Economy: Lessons from the Netherlands.

The workshop event will be held online on:

  • Wednesday 26 Oct 2022
  • 9-15 CET/ 14-20 Jakarta Time

Free Registration

Venue offline (only for limited invitees):

  • Energy Academy Building, University of Groningen (Workshop 26 Oct) &
  • Groningen Seaports (Site Visit 27 Oct)

See you on Wednesday (26/10)!

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